Saturday, March 10, 2012

Kosher restaurants

Serving food as per Jewish dietary laws, kosher restaurants will serve pizzerias, cafés,
fast food and cafeterias. You will come across kosher bakeries, caterers, butchers and
kosher Chinese as well as kosher sushi food. These establishments work under rabbinical
supervision and observe certain other Jewish laws. And if under Jewish ownership, these
locations must be closed during Jewish holidays and during Shabbat.

You will come across dairy or meat foods at such locations but at some Kosher
restaurants, you will find even delicatessens served. Some of these restaurants may
specialize in a particular kind of food and also offer different popular foods among Jews.
You will find Pizza a common and well liked food served at these kosher restaurants, but
then there are kosher pizza shops that usually serve Middle Eastern cuisine, like falafel,
bagels with cream cheese and other foods such as fish. Salads may also be served.
New York City has the maximum number of kosher restaurants in US and in Canada,
you will find Toronto having the most restaurants. You will even find Kosher Chinese
restaurants too getting popular. In smaller cities, with lesser Jewish populations, you will
find kosher dining limited to just a single establishment. Jewish people often get ready-
made kosher meals that may be difficult to get otherwise.

Viste : Kosher restaurants

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